An Open Letter to Trove

                                                                                                                                                                                             Zahid Rasek                                                                                                                                                                                       O’Brien Block ⅜                                                                                                                                                                                     December 9, 2015


Dear Trove,


I have been playing with you for about 2 or 3 months and still it’s fun to play with you. You’re a massive sandbox game with millions of items, bosses    You can build things and  do amazing things and fly dragons what you’re really cool all kinds of daily challenges.


Some of my friends say you’re boring and hard to play with, I say you’re fun and you’re fun to play with because you’re always there when I want to play with you. You never get mad and you let everyone play with you and you find new ways to make a game more fun by doing something new every hour.


Like you earn something new every hour and for 20 minutes in that hour there is a challenge. Also, whoever does the challenge gets the prize like a pet dragon. I love how you change what type of pet dragon every month like for winter, the winter dragon and for halloween, bone dragon it’s really interesting and how they make unique sounds for each one like the bone dragon when it runs its bones rattle and for the winter dragon when it runs you hear ice cracking.


I’ve gotten used to the metal stench, the rattling bones and the heavy armor, the jugs of red elixir. Those are nice. What’s really cool is that you have things like radiant gear which are very strong, glows and has red sparks flying around it but you can only obtain them by defeating the strongest naturally spawning bosses. (What I mean as in naturally spawning I mean like you find them randomly not like shadow bosses which you need a key for to summon them and theyŕe usually like giant blue-eyed Gorilla, also smells like rotten eggs). But anyway you’re really really cool and have so many things to do.


Sincerely ,

Zahid Rasekh

3 thoughts on “An Open Letter to Trove

  1. This game is so fun. I love to play this game with all the fun with sandbox. Also i like playing with you. My favorite line is .Like giant blue eyed gorilla
    I know what you mean. I pictured them as a giant golden iron man with blue eyes.

  2. i like how the game never ends. and even tho some of your friends think its boring you still pay it because you like it. my favorite sentance was “Some of my friends say you’re boring and hard to play with, I say you’re fun and you’re fun to play with because you’re always there when I want to play with you.”

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